Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


D. Menyunting Karangan
Sebuah teks (buku, bacaan, atau laporan) kadang-kadang pemakaian
bahasanya belum tentu benar semua. Semua itu disebabkan penulis, editor,
bahkan orang yang mengetik teks tersebut hanyalah manusia biasa yang
tidak luput dari kesalahan. Ada pun yang dimaksud kesalahan di sini adalah
penyimpangan dari kaidah bahasa. Kesalahan bahasa biasanya terjadi di
segi penggunaan ejaan, tanda baca, pilihan kata (diksi), kalimat yang tidak
efektif, dan paragraf yang kurang padu. Kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut dapat
diketahui dalam kegiatan menyunting atau memperbaiki teks. Sebagai
seorang pelajar, kalian perlu berlatih menyunting suatu teks (misal: laporan
peristiwa). Oleh karena itu, pada pelajaran ini kalian akan dilatih untuk
menyunting sebuah laporan peristiwa.

Membaca Memindai Indeks Buku

C. Membaca Memindai Indeks Buku
Pada buku-buku pelajaran dan pengetahuan umum, pasti dilengkapi
dengan halaman indeks. Indeks diperlukan untuk memudahkan pembaca
mencari nama, dan istilah yang disebutkan dalam buku. Jadi, jika seseorang
ingin memeriksa istilah tertentu dalam buku, orang itu cukup membuka
halaman indeks, kemudian tinggal mencari letak halaman tentang istilah
yang ingin ditemukan tersebut. Halaman indeks terletak paling belakang
yaitu sesudah halaman daftar pustaka.
Pada dasarnya, ada empat hal berikut ini yang dimasukkan dalam
indeks buku.
1.Indeks nama (indeks pengarang).
Seperti halnya daftar pustaka, nama orang
dalamindeks nama penulisannya tidak dibalik.
Akan tetapi, untuk nama orang asing pe-
nulisannya dibalik.
2.Indeks topik (subjek/istilah).
Biasanya, yang dimasukkan dalam indeks
topik adalah istilah-istilah yang berhubungan
dengan isi buku yang bersangkutan. Jadi, jika
buku itu mengenai ilmu bahasa, yang
dimasukkan dalam indeks adalah istilah-istilah
ilmu bahasa.
3.Perincian indeks topik.
Dalam indeks topik, biasanya terdapat
beberapa subjek/istilah yang ada rinciannya. Rincian tersebut merupakan
istilah-istilah yang ada hubungannya dengan subjek/istilah yang ada
dalam indeks topik tersebut.
4.Nomor halaman di mana nama, topik, atau rincian dari topik tersebut

Memusikalisasi Puisi

B. Memusikalisasi Puisi
Puisi merupakan salah satu hasil karya sastra yang dapat menjadi
wahana curahan perasaan pengarang, ide atau gagasan, serta dapat pula
sebagai media untuk menyuarakan hati nuraninya. Pengungkapan bahasa
dalam puisi sering menggunakan makna-makna simbolis, sehingga tidak
jarang terjadi penafsiran makna yang berbeda-beda dalam memaknai
sebuah puisi.
Puisi dapat mengekspresikan emosi, suasana hati, rasa pesona,
kagum, keresahan, kegelisahan, dan suasana hati lainnya. Dengan puisi,
seseorang akan lebih sadar akan dirinya untuk mengamati, mengagumi,
atau memikirkan lingkungan dan alam di sekitarnya. Kalian dapat mengambil
beberapa manfaat dari puisi antara lain:
menggugah perasaan lebih dalam,
membangkitkan imajinasi,
mendorong orang lebih mampu berpikir dan menggerakkan pikiran,
menimbulkan kesenangan dan hiburan.
Berbeda dengan karya-karya sastra yang lain (seperti: prosa, cerpen,
roman, dan novel), puisi merupakan karya sastra yang sangat menonjolkan
keindahan bahasa, kedalaman makna, dan kepadatan bentuk. Selain itu,
hanya puisi yang dapat dimusikalisasi, sedangkan karya sastra tertulis
yang lain tidak dapat. Musikalisasi puisi yaitu membaca puisi dengan diiringi
musik yang sesuai dengan tema dan suasana yang tergambar dalam puisi
Pada Pelajaran ini, kalian akan dilatih untuk memahami puisi lewat
musikalisasi puisi. Musikalisasi puisi adalah bentuk penyampaian puisi
dengan diiringi irama musik. Tujuannya untuk memperkenalkan puisi kepada
masyarakat luas. Cara ini bukanlah hal baru, tepatnya telah dipelopori oleh
mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang menyanyikan puisi-puisi karya
Sapardi Djoko Damono yang ada dalam buku antologi puisi "Hujan Bulan
Juni". Bentuk apresiasi puisi seperti ini sampai sekarang masih mendapat
sambutan hangat dari masyarakat. Banyak musikus dan penyanyi yang
telah melakukannya, baik dalam bentuk pementasan maupun rekaman.
Bahkan puisi karya Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pun telah diubah
menjadi bentuk musikalisasi dan dinyanyikan oleh Widi AB Three.
Kegiatan Kemanusiaan
Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang harus kalian lakukan agar kalian
dapat memusikalisasi puisi secara baik.
1.Menentukan puisi yang akan dimusikalisasi.
2.Mengapresiasi puisi yang telah ditentukan.
Mengapresiasi puisi artinya mencermati secara sungguh-sungguh
sebuah puisi hingga tumbuh pengertian, penghargaan, kepekaan pikiran
kritis dan kepekaan perasaan yang baik terhadap cipta sastra.
3.Memerhatikan kesusastraan isi puisi dengan suasana yang dibangun.
4.Menentukan alat musik yang digunakan untuk mengiringi musikalisasi
puisi. Alat musik yang akan kalian gunakan dapat berupa gitar,
gendang, keyboard, dan sebagainya.
5.Menentukan notasi nada yang akan digunakan. Notasi nada tersebut
dapat berbentuk notasi angka ataupun notasi balok. Guna notasi untuk
mempermudah melagukan puisi tersebut.

Menemukan Tema dan Pesan Syair

A. Menemukan Tema dan Pesan Syair
Tahukah kalian tentang syair? Syair adalah
salah satu jenis puisi lama. Ia berasal dari Per-
sia (sekarang Iran) dan telah dibawa masuk ke
Nusantara bersama-sama dengan kedatangan
Islam. Kata syair berasal dari bahasa Arab syu'ur
yang berarti perasaan. Kata syu'ur berkembang
menjadi kata syi'ru yang berarti puisi dalam
pengertian umum. Syair dalam kesusastraan
Melayu merujuk pada pengertian puisi secara
umum. Akan tetapi, dalam perkembangannya
syair tersebut mengalami perubahan dan
modifikasi sehingga menjadi khas Melayu, tidak lagi mengacu pada tradisi
sastra syair di negeri Arab. Penyair yang berperan besar dalam membentuk
syair khas Melayu adalah Hamzah Fansuri dengan karyanya, antara lain:
Syair Perahu, Syair Burung Pingai, Syair Dagang, dan Syair Sidang Fakir.
Menurut isinya, syair dapat dibagi menjadi lima golongan, sebagai berikut.
1. Syair Panji
Syair panji menceritakan tentang keadaan yang terjadi dalam istana
dan keadaan orang-orang yang berada atau berasal dari dalam istana.
Contoh syair panji adalah Syair Ken Tambuhan yang menceritakan tentang
seorang putri bernama Ken Tambuhan yang dijadikan persembahan kepada
Sang Ratu Kauripan.
2. Syair Romantis
Syair romantis berisi tentang percintaan yang biasanya terdapat pada
cerita pelipur lara, hikayat, maupun cerita rakyat. Contoh syair romantis
yakni Syair Bidasari yang menceritakan tentang seorang putri raja yang
telah dibuang ibunya. Setelah beberapa lama ia dicari Putra Bangsawan
(saudaranya) untuk bertemu dengan ibunya. Pertemuan pun terjadi dan
akhirnya Bidasari memaafkan ibunya, yang telah membuang dirinya.
3. Syair Kiasan
Syair kiasan berisi tentang percintaan ikan, burung, bunga atau buah-
buahan. Percintaan tersebut merupakan kiasan atau sindiran terhadap
peristiwa tertentu. Contoh syair kiasan adalah Syair Burung Pungguk yang
isinya menceritakan tentang percintaan yang gagal akibat perbedaan
pangkat, atau seperti perumpamaan "seperti pungguk merindukan bulan".
4. Syair Sejarah
Syair sejarah adalah syair yang berdasarkan peristiwa sejarah.
Sebagian besar syair sejarah berisi tentang peperangan. Contoh syair
sejarah adalah Syair Perang Mengkasar (dahulu bernama Syair Sipelman),
berisi tentang perang antara orang-orang Makassar dengan Belanda.
Jeda Info
Syair berbahasa
Arab yang tercatat
paling tua di
Nusantara adalah
catatan di batu
nisan Sultan Malik
al Saleh di Aceh,
bertarikh 1297 M.
Kegiatan Kemanusiaan
5. Syair Agama
Syair agama merupakan syair terpenting. Syair agama dibagi menjadi
empat yaitu: (a) syair sufi, (b) syair tentang ajaran Islam, (c) syair riwayat
cerita nabi, dan (d) syair nasihat.

Menggunakan Imbuhan -man, -wan, dan -wati

E. Menggunakan Imbuhan -man, -wan, dan -wati
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berimbuhan -man, -wan, dan -wati yang
dikutip dari Materi A berikut ini.
Jumpa lagi dengan Gita Paramita di acara dialog interaktif menjadi
usahawan sukses.
Ibu Nuraini adalah wirausahawati kopi robusta.
Bapak Sugiyono adalah wirausahawan gula semut.
Mencermati Ekonomi, Pasar, dan Uang
Dalam kalimat di atas terdapat kata usahawan, wiraswastawan, dan
wiraswastawati. Kata-kata tersebut adalah kata-kata yang berimbuhan
asing -man, -wan, dan -wati.
Imbuhan -wan, dan -wati berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta -van dan
-vati. Kata-kata berimbuhan -wan dan -wati termasuk kata benda. Imbuhan
-wati merujuk pada perempuan sedangkan imbuhan -wan merujuk pada
laki-laki. Imbuhan -man merupakan variasi bentuk/alomorf dari imbuhan
-wan. Akan tetapi imbuhan -man penggunaannya tidak produktif. Imbuhan
tersebut dapat merujuk pada laki-laki atau perempuan.

Menulis Cerpen berdasarkan Peristiwa Nyata

D. Menulis Cerpen berdasarkan Peristiwa Nyata
Menulis cerpen harus banyak berkhayal karena cerpen memang karya
fiksi yang berbentuk prosa. Peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi dalam cerpen
hanya direkayasa oleh pengarangnya. Demikian pula para pelaku yang
terlibat dalam peristiwa itu. Waktu, tempat, dan suasana terjadinya peristiwa
pun hanya direka-reka oleh pengarang. Oleh karena itu, cerpen (dan semua
cerita fiksi) disebut cerita rekaan.
Mencermati Ekonomi, Pasar, dan Uang
Cerita dalam cerpen mungkin saja terjadi sebab bahan baku cerpen
memang bisa berasal dari kisah yang benar-benar terjadi dalam
masyarakat. Boleh jadi, bahan baku cerpen benar-benar dialami sendiri
oleh pengarangnya. Kisah nyata yang benar-benar terjadi itu oleh
pengarangnya diolah, yaitu ditambah, dikurangi, digabungkan, diubah nama
pelakunya, diganti tempat terjadinya, dan lain-lain. Akan tetapi, semua bahan
baku yang semula benar-benar terjadi itu setelah diolah oleh pengarang
dalam bentuk cerpen, menjadi cerita fiksi, cerita khayal, atau cerita rekaan.
Jika akan menulis cerpen, yang pertama-tama kalian lakukan adalah
mencari dan menentukan tema. Tema cerita tersebar luas di sekeliling
kalian, bahkan juga di dalam diri kita. Apa yang pernah kalian alami, lihat,
dengar, rasakan, bayangkan, dan lain-lain dapat kalian pilih menjadi tema
cerpen. Tema yang kalian pilih tentu saja tema yang menarik, terutama
menarik bagi diri kalian dan kalian perkirakan juga menarik bagi orang lain.
Setelah tema kalian tentukan, tema itu harus kalian rinci lebih dahulu
karena tema masih berupa ide pokok. Bila tema langsung dikembangkan
menjadi sebuah cerpen, penulisan cerpen masih akan mengalami banyak
kesulitan. Oleh karena itu, tema harus dirinci, dijabarkan lebih lanjut, apa
saja yang akan diceritakan.
Setelah menjabarkan tema, kita perlu mempertegas peristiwa-peristiwa
apa yang akan terjadi dalam cerpen. Peristiwa-peristiwa itu kemudian kalian
susun demikian rupa sehingga membentuk plot cerita.
Plot atau alur cerita adalah rangkaian peristiwa yang sambung-
menyambung dalam sebuah cerita berdasarkan logika sebab akibat. Dalam
sebuah cerita terdapat berbagai peristiwa. Akan tetapi, peristiwa-peristiwa
dalam cerita itu tidak berdiri sendiri, tetapi berkaitan antara peristiwa satu
dengan peristiwa lainnya. Rangkaian peristiwa itulah yang membentuk plot
atau alur cerita.

Menganalisis Nilai-nilai Kehidupan dalam Cerpen

C. Menganalisis Nilai-nilai Kehidupan dalam Cerpen
Cerpen merupakan salah satu bentuk karya
sastra yang berwujud prosa. Cerpen ada yang
bersifat fiktif dan nonfiktif. Cerita yang ditampilkan
dalam sebuah cerpen biasanya hanya sepenggal
peristiwa yang terjadi pada seseorang dan fokus
cerita terletak pada tokoh utamanya. Cerpen
biasanya juga diterbitkan dan dibukukan dalam
bentuk kumpulan yang disebut buku kumpulan
Akan tetapi, sebelum kalian berlatih meng-
analisis nilai kehidupan pada cerpen-cerpen dalam
satu buku kumpulan cerpen, terlebih dulu kalian
harus memahami tentang unsur-unsur intrinsik yang ada di dalamnya. Pada
umumnya, unsur intrinsik cerpen meliputi hal-hal berikut ini.
Tema adalah sumber gagasan/ide cerita atau gagasan pokok yang
dikembangkan menjadi sebuah karangan.
Alur adalah urutan peristiwa sebab akibat yang menjalin suatu cerita.
Ada alur maju, alur mundur, dan alur gabung (gabungan dari alur maju
dan alur mundur).
Tokoh adalah pelaku-pelaku dalam cerita. Tokoh dibedakan menjadi
tiga, yakni protagonis (tokoh utama), antagonis (tokoh penentang), dan
tritagonis (tokoh ketiga).
Sudut pandang adalah tempat atau titik dari mana seseorang melihat
objek karangan.
Latar adalah waktu dan tempat serta keadaan sosial yang digunakan
pengarang dalam menyusun cerita.
Amanat adalah pesan moral yang terdapat dalam cerita.
Bila kalian cermati, tokoh-tokoh di dalam cerpen mempunyai sifat dan
melakukan aktivitas seperti kehidupan manusia sesungguhnya. Dengan
kata lain, cerpen mengandung nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dapat diambil dari
peran masing-masing tokoh dalam isi cerpen tersebut.
Di dalam setiap karya sastra (termasuk cerpen) terkandung beberapa
nilai yang dapat diteladani atau dipetik hikmahnya. Ada pun nilai-nilai
tersebut antara lain:
nilai moral atau keagamaan yaitu nilai yang berkenaan dengan Tuhan
dan agama;
nilai kemanusiaan atau sosial yaitu nilai yang berkenaan dengan
nilai etika atau susila atau norma yaitu nilai yang berkenaan dengan
budi bahasa,  sopan santun; dan
nilai estetika atau keindahan yaitu nilai yang berkenaan dengan seni
dan keindahan.

Mengkritik atau Memuji Berbagai Karya

B. Mengkritik atau Memuji Berbagai Karya
Mengkritik dapat diartikan sebagai kegiatan mengemukakan pendapat
atau tanggapan terhadap sesuatu hal yang disertai dengan uraian dan
pertimbangan baik buruknya hal tersebut. Akan tetapi, sebuah kritikan oleh
orang-orang sering dikaitkan dengan hal-hal yang buruk saja, sedangkan
untuk hal-hal yang bagus sering disebut pujian. Baik kritikan ataupun pujian
hendaknya selalu diutarakan dengan alasan yang logis dan bahasa yang
santun sehingga tidak menyinggung perasaan orang yang dikritik atau
dipuji. Apabila kalian mengkritik atau memuji sebuah karya seni atau produk
disertai dengan alasan yang logis, tentunya pencipta seni atau produsen
produk tersebut tidak akan tersinggung.

Menyimpulkan Isi Dialog Interaktif

A. Menyimpulkan Isi Dialog Interaktif
Informasi dapat kalian peroleh melalui berbagai cara, baik secara lisan
maupun tulisan. Salah satu cara yang dapat kalian lakukan untuk
mendapatkan informasi secara lisan yaitu melalui kegiatan menyimak dialog
interaktif. Dialog interaktif adalah percakapan yang dilakukan di televisi
atau radio yang dapat melibatkan pemirsa dan pendengar melalui telepon. Ada
pun narasumber yang dipilih adalah orang tahu yang persis tentang informasi
yang ingin disampaikan. Selain itu, kalian juga dapat memperoleh informasi
dengan bertindak sebagai pihak yang pasif, yaitu mendengarkan dengan
saksama suatu kegiatan dialog interaktif yang dilakukan oleh orang lain.
Dari kegiatan mendengarkan tersebut kalian
dapat mencatat hal-hal penting dan menyimpulkan
isi dialog yang kalian dengarkan itu. Sama halnya
dengan berita, dalam dialog interaktif kalian juga
harus menerapkan prinsip 5W+1H berikut ini.
: apa yang didialogkan
: siapa yang berdialog
: kapan dialog dilakukan
where : di mana dialog dilakukan
: mengapa dialog dilakukan
: bagaimana hasil dialog tersebu

cara daftar blogspot

  1. Buat terlebih dahulu account email.
  2. Masuk ke, maka akan keluar halaman berikut :
  3. Klik tombol Ciptakan Blog Anda, maka akan muncul halaman berikut :
  4. Masukkan alamat email, password, nama tampilan, verifikasi kata, dan jangan lupa memberi tanda centang untuk menerima persyaratan yang ada, kemudian klik tombol Lanjutkan.
    Maka akan muncul halaman berikut :
  5. Masukkan Judul Blog dan Alamat blog (URL).
    Untuk Alamat blog harus dipikirkan dengan benar, karena tidak dapat diubah lagi dikemudian hari. Klik Cek Ketersediaan untuk mengetahui apakah nama tersebut masih tersedia atau tidak.
    Kemudian klik tombol lanjutkan, maka akan muncul halaman berikut :
  6. Pilih template yang Anda suka, kemudian klik tombol lanjutkan, maka akan muncul halaman berikut:
    Blog Anda telah selesai dibuat, klik tombol Mulai Blogging untuk menambah artikel atau mengubah tampilan blog Anda.

Cara install theme wordpress

  1. Silahkan login ke admin blog wordpress anda.
  2. Alihkan perhatian ke sebelah kiri, klik pada menu Appeareance kemudian klik sub menuThemes.
  3. Klik tab menu Install Themes, kemudian klik Upload.
  4. Klik tombol Browse.. kemudian pilih file theme yang ingin anda pasang (file theme harus format .zip). Jika file theme sudah terpilih, klik tombol Install Now.
  5. Silahkan tunggu sampai proses upload selesai. Lamanya proses upload tergantung kepada kecepatan koneksi internet yang anda gunakan.
  6. Apabila proses upload theme selesai, akan ada pilihan : Preview, Active, dan Return to Theme Page. Sebaiknya klik terlebih dahulu Preview untuk melihat tampilan sebelum benar-benar di aktifkan. Jika dirasa memang sudah cocok, Klik Active untuk mengaktifkan Theme tersebut.
  7. Selesai. Theme baru Anda telah terpasang .

asal mula jam

Menurut catatan lonceng yang berdentang setiap jam, pertama kali ditampilkan oleh lonceng kota Milan tahun 1335. Juga oleh lonceng di Katedral Salisbury, London buatan tahun 1386 yang konon masih dalam kondisi baik. Lain lagi dengan lonceng buatan tahun 1389 di Rouen, Prancis dan yang dibuat oleh Wells Chatedral, Inggris. Dua lonceng terakhir ini berdentang setiap seperempat jam.Namun sayang keterlambatan mereka masih +/- 30 menit per hari.

Baru pada tahun 1500-an peter Henlein, tukang kunci dari Nurnberg, Jerman memperkenalkan jam rumahan yang digerakkan per.Jam kecil pertama itupun menurut ukuran sekarang, tidaklah cukup kecil.Dengan diameter10-12,5 cm dan ketebalan7,5 cm.

Akhir abad XVI, lonceng mulai dibuat tegak. Di awal abad XVII, mesinnya mulai diberi pembungkus dari kuningan. Kemudian di abad yang sama lonceng diperkaya dengan penutup kaca dan jarum penunjuk menit. Tidak hanya itu , mulai tahun 1656 diperkenalkan pula lonceng dengan pemberat dan pendulum bertali pendek yang dikemas dalam kotak kayu dan bisa digantung didinding.

Dengan begitu lahirlah lonceng ding-dong, atau grand father's clock dengan pendulum sebagai alat pengukur waktu yang andal.

Pagi, siang, malam, pagi, siang, malam, begitu selanjutnya dan secara terus menerus, bagaimana dahulu cara membedaan waktu yang secara detail? berikut ini kita akan membahas tentang Sejarah Jam dan Perkembangannya. dari tahun ke tahun. Sejak dahulu semua orang membedakan waktu dengan cara melihat matahari, namun jika terjadi mendung bagaimana? tahukan anda di zaman dahulu orang-orang kuno dapat menentukan waktu secara tepat dan akura? Berikut ini akan saya berikan penjelasan mengenai sejarah jam serta perkembangannya sampai dengan jam-jam modern yang kita pakai pada saat ini.

Sejarah Jam

Kata “Jam” telah digunakan pada abab ke-14 sekitar 700 tahun silam. Kata “jam” ini berasal dari bahasa latin yaitu “Clocca”.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Jam Sundial adalah jam tertua atau biasanya disebut jam matahari adalah jam yang pertama kali digunakan sekitar  3500 sebelum Masehi. Sungguh jam yang benar-benar tua. Prinsip kerja jam ini yaitu dengan menunjukkan berdasarkan letak matahari dengan cara melihat bayangan matahari.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Sekitar 6 atau 6 abad yang lalu bangsa Mesir mengukur waktu dan membuatkan kalender menggunakan Obelisk.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Jam Pasir ini muncul pada tahun 1400 sebelum masehi yang berdasarkan peninggalan di kuburan Amenhoterp I, peninggalannya yaitu berupa bejana kecil yang memiliki lubang pada bawahnya yang gungsinya untuk meneteskan air yang ada pada dalam bejana tersebut.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Jam air ini diberi nama “Clepsydra” (Kleph-Sur-Druh) karena dengan menggunakan air dan muncul pada tahun 1400SM.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Nama jam ini adalah “Elephant Clock” yang berbentuk gajah dan bisa menghasilkan suara tiap jam nya yang berada di Al-Jaziri (1136-1206).
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Nama jam ini adalah hamilton Pulsomatic yang dibuat oleh The hamilton Watch Co of Lancaster Pennsylvania yang berbentuk Digital pada tahun 1950 -an yang sebagai perusahan yang pertama kali membuat jam Elektrik atau Digital.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
Jam tangan ini menjadi populer sejak adanya film James Bond 007 ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’ pada tahun 1969. Dalam adegannya, James Bond menggunakan Jam Rolex Oyster pada saat berbagai aksi yang berbasis teknologi.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
G-SHOCK adalah produk Casio, sebuah perusahaan jam ternama pada tahun 1983. Sampai dengan 1990-an, jam tangan ini sangat di minati oleh berbagai kalangan terutama para-para selebritis. Bentuk desain nya unik yang dipadukan dengan warna-warna.
Sejarah Jam
Sejarah Jam
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Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft Exchange Server is a software product manager messaging (messaging) and collaboration developed by Microsoft Corporation. This product is part of Microsoft Windows Server System platform, and is widely used by companies in the world. The main features offered by Exchange Server includes management of electronic mail (e-mail), calendar, contacts, and tasks; support for direct access from the Web and mobile devices, and support for data storage.


Microsoft plans to migrate from XENIX-based messaging system regulator previously used by Microsoft internally to the Exchange conducted in April 1993. As of January 1995, about 500 users at Microsoft have been using Microsoft Exchange Server Beta 1. In April 1996, 32 000 registered users who have migrated to Microsoft Exchange environment.

history Microsoft PowerPoint application

Microsoft PowerPoint application was first developed by Bob Gaskins and Dennis Austin as a presenter for a company called Forethought, Inc. which later changed their name to the PowerPoint.
In 1987, PowerPoint version 1.0 was released, and a computer that supports the Apple Macintosh. PowerPoint then still use black / white, which can make the page text and graphics for an overhead projector (OHP). A year later, a new version of PowerPoint appear with color support, after the Macintosh color appeared on the market.
Microsoft was acquired Forethought, Inc. and of course the PowerPoint software at a price of approximately 14 million dollars on July 31, 1987. In 1990, Microsoft Windows versions of PowerPoint (version 2.0) appeared on the market, following in the footsteps of Microsoft Windows 3.0. Since 1990, PowerPoint has become an integral part of the standard package of office applications in the Microsoft Office System (except Basic Edition).

New version = New This

The latest version is Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 (PowerPoint 14), which was released in June 2010, which is a pretty far leap forward in terms of user interface and enhanced graphics capabilities. Moreover, compared with earlier data format is binary data with the extension *. Ppt, this version offers an XML data format with the extension *. Pptx.


In PowerPoint, as well as other presentation software processing, text objects, graphics, video, sound, and other objects are positioned in some of the individual pages called "slide". The term slide in PowerPoint has the same analogy in a slide projector with regular, old-fashioned, due to the advent of computer software that can process a kind of PowerPoint and Impress presentations. Each slide can be printed or displayed on the screen and can navigate through the command of the presenter. Slides can also form the basis of webcasts (a broadcast on the World Wide Web).
PowerPoint offers two types of property movement, the Custom Animations and Transition. Movement Property Entrance, Emphasis, Exit and objects in a slide can be arranged by the Custom Animation, while Transition regulate the movement from one slide to another. Everything can dianimaskan in many ways. The overall design of a presentation can be arranged with menggunakaan Master Slide, and the overall structure of prsentasi can be edited using the Primitive Outliner (Outline).
PowerPoint presentations can save in several formats, namely as follows:
*. PPT (PowerPoint Presentation), which is the binary data and is available in all versions of PowerPoint (including PowerPoint 12)
*. PPS (PowerPoint Show), which is the binary data and is available in all versions of PowerPoint (including PowerPoint 12)
*. POT (PowerPoint Template), which is the binary data and is available in all versions of PowerPoint (including PowerPoint 12)
*. PPTX (PowerPoint Presentation), which is the data in XML and is available only in PowerPoint 12.


Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Office PowerPoint is a computer program developed by Microsoft's presentation at their office in the application package, Microsoft Office, in addition to Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and other programs. PowerPoint running on a PC-based operating systems Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating system using Apple Mac OS, although at first this application running on the operating system Xenix. This application is very widely used, especially by the office and business people, educators, students, and trainers. Beginning in the version of Microsoft Office System 2003, Microsoft changed the name of any previous Microsoft PowerPoint into Microsoft Office PowerPoint. The latest version of PowerPoint is version 12 (Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007), which is incorporated into the package Microsoft Office System 2007..


Microsoft Outlook (tidak harus bingung dengan Outlook Express) adalah manajer informasi pribadi dan e-mail perangkat lunak komunikasi. Penggantian untuk Windows Messaging, Microsoft Mail, dan Schedule + mulai di Kantor 97, itu termasuk e-mail client, kalender, task manager dan buku alamat.
Di Mac, Microsoft menawarkan beberapa versi Outlook di akhir 1990-an, tetapi hanya untuk digunakan dengan Microsoft Exchange Server. Pada Office 2001, ia memperkenalkan sebuah aplikasi alternatif dengan set fitur yang sedikit berbeda bernama Microsoft Entourage. Ini diperkenalkan kembali Outlook di Office 2011, menggantikan Entourage.

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012


Microsoft Excel adalah program spreadsheet yang awalnya bersaing dengan Lotus 1-2-3 dominan, tapi akhirnya outsold itu. Ini tersedia untuk Windows dan Mac platform. Microsoft merilis versi pertama dari Excel untuk Mac pada tahun 1985, dan versi Windows pertama (nomor 2,05 untuk berbaris dengan Mac dan dibundel dengan lingkungan run-time mandiri Windows) pada November 1987.
[Sunting] Outlook / Entourage
Artikel utama: Microsoft Outlook dan Microsoft Entourage
Microsoft Outlook (tidak harus bingung dengan Outlook Express) adalah manajer informasi pribadi dan e-mail perangkat lunak komunikasi. Penggantian untuk Windows Messaging, Microsoft Mail, dan Schedule + mulai di Kantor 97, itu termasuk e-mail client, kalender, task manager dan buku alamat.
Di Mac, Microsoft menawarkan beberapa versi Outlook di akhir 1990-an, tetapi hanya untuk digunakan dengan Microsoft Exchange Server. Pada Office 2001, ia memperkenalkan sebuah aplikasi alternatif dengan set fitur yang sedikit berbeda bernama Microsoft Entourage. Ini diperkenalkan kembali Outlook di Office 2011, menggantikan Entourage.


Microsoft Word adalah pengolah kata dan sebelumnya dianggap sebagai program utama di Kantor. Proprietary DOC format dianggap sebagai standar de facto, meskipun Word 2007 juga dapat menggunakan berbasis XML yang baru, Microsoft Office-dioptimalkan format yang disebut. DOCX, yang telah distandarisasi oleh ECMA International sebagai Office Open XML dan yang memperbarui SP2 mendukung PDF dan sebuah ODF terbatas [6]. Firman juga tersedia dalam beberapa edisi Microsoft Works. Ini tersedia untuk Windows dan Mac platform. Versi pertama dari Word, dirilis pada musim gugur tahun 1983, adalah untuk sistem operasi MS-DOS dan memiliki perbedaan memperkenalkan mouse untuk populasi yang luas. Kata 1.0 bisa dibeli dengan mouse dibundel, meskipun tidak diperlukan. Setelah preseden LisaWrite dan MacWrite, Word untuk Macintosh mencoba untuk menambahkan fitur WYSIWYG lebih dekat ke dalam paket nya. Word untuk Mac dirilis pada tahun 1985. Word untuk Mac adalah versi grafis pertama dari Microsoft Word.


Microsoft Office adalah sebuah office suite desktop, server aplikasi dan layanan untuk Microsoft Windows dan Mac OS X sistem operasi, diperkenalkan oleh Microsoft pada tanggal 1 Agustus 1989. Awalnya istilah pemasaran untuk satu set paket aplikasi, versi pertama Office terkandung Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, dan Microsoft PowerPoint. Selama bertahun-tahun, aplikasi Office telah tumbuh secara substansial lebih dekat dengan fitur berbagi seperti spell checker umum, OLE integrasi data dan Microsoft Visual Basic untuk bahasa scripting Aplikasi. Microsoft juga posisi Office sebagai platform pengembangan untuk line-of-bisnis perangkat lunak di bawah merek Office Aplikasi Bisnis. Kantor dilaporkan saat ini digunakan oleh lebih dari satu miliar orang di seluruh dunia. [3]
Versi saat ini Office 2010 untuk Windows, dirilis pada tanggal 15 Juni 2010;. [4] dan Office 2011 untuk Mac OS X, dirilis 26 Oktober 2010 [5] Kantor baru 2013 (versi 15 dari suite Office) dikabarkan untuk melepaskan sekitar Desember 2012.


Already over 400,000 chirp sent-perform (post) per quarter in 2007. Then develop into a 100 million-performing chirp shipped per quarter in 2008. At the end of 2009, 2 billion per quarter chirp been sent-appear. In the first quarter of 2010, 4 billion chirp sent-appear. In February 2010 Twitter users send 50 million per day. In June 2010, about 65 million were shipped chirp-appear every day, equivalent to about 750 chirp sent every second, according to Twitter.
Twitter users will be more active when there is a prominent event. For example, a record was created in the 2010 World Cup, when fans wrote in 2940 chirp per second in both the 30 after Japan scored against Cameroon on June 14, 2010. The record was broken again when 3085 chirp per second sent-appear after the victory of the Los Angeles Lakers in the 2010 NBA Finals on June 17, 2010. This also happens when singer Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, Twitter servers down because users updating their status to include the words "Michael Jackson" at a rate of 100,000 per hour chirp.


Twitter started with a discussion held by board members of the podcasting company Odeo. During the meeting, Jack Dorsey introduced the idea of ​​twitter in which individuals can use the SMS service to communicate with a small group. This project began on 21 publicly on July 15, 2006. Twitter became its own company in April 2007.
Twitter popularity began to rise in 2007 when there were festival South by Southwest (SXSW). During the last event, Twitter usage increased from 20,000 per day to 60,000 chirp. Reaction at the festival was very positive.
On 14 September 2010, Twitter change the logo and launched a new design and logo changed again to "Larry the" Bird "on June 5, 2012.

what is twitter ?

Twitter is a website owned and operated by Twitter Inc.., Which offers a social networking micro-blogging that allows users to send and read messages called chirp [7] (tweets). Tweets are text posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user profile page. Tweets can be seen outside, but senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list only. Users can see other writers chirp known as followers ("followers").
All users can send and receive chirp via the Twitter website, compatible external applications (cell phones), or with a short message (SMS) available in certain countries. The site is based in San Bruno, California near San Francisco, where the site was first made. Twitter also has servers and offices in San Antonio, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.
Since its creation in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained popularity worldwide and currently has more than 100 million users. It is sometimes described as the "SMS of the Internet".
Twitter has a logo in the form of a blue bird named "Larry the" Bird ", named after a former NBA basketball player, Larry Bird.

facebook history

Mark Zuckerberg creates Facemash, the predecessor to Facebook, on October 28, 2003 when he was at Harvard as a sophomore. According to The Harvard Crimson, the site is similar to Hot or Not, and using "photo obtained from Facebook (face book) online in nine dormitories, put two pictures side by side at a time and asking users to choose which is the most sexy".
Mark Zuckerberg helped create Facebook in his dorm room at Harvard.
To accomplish this, Zuckerberg hacked into the Harvard computer network are protected and copy the pictures private dormitory ID. Harvard at that time did not have a "face book" (directory containing photos and basic information) students. Facemash attract 450 visitors and 22,000 photo views in the first four hours of broadcasting.
The site is directly forwarded to several campus group servers, but turned off a few days later by the Harvard administration. Zuckerberg convicted penetrate campus security, violating copyrights, and violating individual privacy, and risk incurred. However, the sentence was overturned. [16] Zuckerberg expand this initial project that semester by creating a social study tools for exams art history final, by uploading 500 paintings Augusta to the website, with one image per page along with the comments. [15] He opened the site to classmates, and they began to share notes.
In the following semester, Zuckerberg began writing code for a new website in January 2004. He was inspired, he said, by an editorial of The Harvard Crimson about the Facemash incident. [17] On February 4, 2004, Zuckerberg launched "The Facebook" which was originally located on the website
Six days after the site launched, three Harvard seniors, Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra, accused Zuckerberg deliberately distract them so that they believe it helps them create a social network called, while he uses their ideas to create a rival product . [19] The three complained to the Harvard Crimson, and the newspaper started an investigation. Three senior filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg is finally resolved. [20
Membership was initially restricted to students of Harvard College, and at the first month, more than half of the undergraduate students at Harvard was registered on the site. [21] Eduardo Saverin (business), Dustin Moskovitz (programmer), Andrew McCollum (graphic artist), and Chris Hughes soon joined Zuckerberg to help promote the website. In March 2004, Facebook is extending itself to Stanford, Columbia, and Yale. [22] The site was then opened to the other Ivy League schools, Boston University, New York University, MIT, and gradually several universities in Canada and the United States. [23 ] [24]
Facebook incorporated in the summer of 2004, and the entrepreneur Sean Parker, who often gives advice to Zuckerberg, was named president of the company. [25] In June 2004, Facebook moved its operations center in Palo Alto, California. [22] The company received its first investment month from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel. [26] The company is removing from its name after purchasing the domain name in 2005 with a value of $ 200,000. [27]
Active users [N 1]
Date User
(Million) Monthly Growth Pause day [N 2]
August 26, 2008 100 [28] 1665 178.38%
8 April 2009 200 [29] 225% 13:33
15 September 2009 300 [30] 160 9:38%
February 5, 2010 400 [31] 143 6.99%
July 21, 2010 500 [32] 166 4.52%
January 5, 2011 600 [33] [N 3] 168 3.57%
May 30, 2011 700 [34] 145 3.45%
22 September 2011 800 [35] 115 3.73%
24 April 2012 900 [36] 215 1.74%
Facebook launched a high school version in September 2005, which Zuckerberg is considered as the next logical step. [37] At that time, high school networks requires an invitation to join. [38] Facebook later expand its membership requirements to employees of several companies, including Apple Inc.. and Microsoft. [39] Facebook was then opened on 26 September 2006 to all persons aged 13 years and above with a valid email address. [40] [41]
On October 24, 2007, Microsoft announced that it had bought a 1.6% stake in Facebook for $ 240 million, giving Facebook a value of $ 15 billion. [42] The purchase by Microsoft include their right to place international ads on Facebook. [43] In October 2008, Facebook announced that it would open international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. [44] In September 2009, Facebook said that they had positive cash flow for the first time. [45] In November 2010, according to SecondMarket Inc.., an exchange shares of a private company, the value of Facebook at $ 41 billion (lightly beat eBay) and become the third largest web company after Google and Amazon U.S.. [46] Facebook has been targeted as a potential candidate for an initial public offering in 2013. [47]
Traffic to Facebook increased steadily after 2009. The number of visitors Facebook beat Google on March 13, 2010. [48]
In March 2011, it was reported that Facebook removes approximately 20,000 profiles from the site every day on a variety of reasons, including spam, inappropriate content and underage use, as part of its effort to encourage cyber security. [49]
In early 2011, Facebook announced plans to move into his new office, the former kampur Sun Microsystems in Menlo Park, California. [50] [51]
DoubleClick Statistics showed that Facebook reached one trillion page views in June 2011 and make the website the most visited in the world. [52] But keep in mind that Google and a number of specific websites are not counted in the DoubleClick ranking. According to Nielsen Media Research study released in December 2011, Facebook is the web site of the most widely accessed both in the United States. [53]
In March 2012, Facebook launched its App Center, an online store that sells mobile applications that connect to Facebook. This shop is available for mobile web users iPhone, Android. [54] In April, Facebook bought Instagram app with a value of U.S. $ 1 billion. [55]
In early May 2012, Facebook acquired Glancee young company operating in the field of social exploration. [56]
Facebook, Inc.. hold an initial public offering on May 17, 2012 with initial stock price $ 38 per share, so the value of the company at $ 104 billion, the value of public companies the biggest new in history. [57] After the IPO, Zuckerberg will acquire 22% stake in Facebook and 57% of the voting rights . [58] IPO is successfully raising $ 16 billion and making the IPO is the third largest in the history of the United States. [59] [60] Shares began trading on May 18, and although the stock tried to remain above the IPO price during the day, the number a new record in terms of IPO trading volume. [61] A few days after the IPO, the regulator of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission began investigating the IPO, after claims that Facebook's growth forecasts are not disclosed to the weakening of all shareholders. [62]
[Edit] The company

The entrance to Facebook's headquarters in the Stanford Research Park, Palo Alto, California.
Most of the revenue Facebook derived from advertising. Microsoft is a Facebook exclusive partner for serving banner advertising, [63] and Facebook only serves advertisements that fall into Microsoft's ad inventory. According to comScore, an Internet marketing research company, Facebook get data from visitors as much as Google and Microsoft, but slightly less than Yahoo!. [64] In 2010, Facebook's security team began expanding its efforts to reduce the risk of user privacy. [65] In 6 November 2007, Facebook launched Facebook Beacon which later became the failed attempt to advertise to friends of users using the way of "what friends bought".
Facebook generally has a click through rate (CTR) is lower than for advertising web sites other major. For banner advertisements, they received one-fifth the number of clicks on Facebook when compared with the Web as a whole. [66] This means that a small percentage of Facebook users click on ads more than other websites. For example, the first Google user clicks on an ad on the search results with an average of 8% at a time (80,000 clicks for every one million searches), [67] while Facebook users click on advertisements an average of 0.04% at a time (400 clicks for every one million pages). [68]
Sarah Smith, a former Facebook Online Sales Operations Manager, admitted that the advertising campaigns they have a click rate as low as 0.05% to 0.04%, and the click rate for ads tend to decrease within two weeks. [69] The click on the social networking rivals, MySpace, compared to about 0.1%, 2.5 times better than Facebook but still low compared to other web sites. Explanations for Facebook's low click rate is that Facebook users are more technologically savvy and use ad blocking software to hide advertisements, users are younger and more clever in ignoring advertising messages. On MySpace, users spend more time exploring it, while on Facebook, users spend their time communicating with friends and their attention distracted from the advertisements. [70]
(Estimated, in millions U.S. $)
Year Revenue Growth
$ 2,006 52 [71] -
$ 2 007 150 [72] 188%
2008 $ 280 [73] 87%
2009 $ 775 [74] 177%
2010 $ 2,000 [75] 158%
In the courtyard of brands and products, a number of companies report click rates as high as 6.49% for Wall posts. [76] Involver, a social marketing platform, announced in July 2008 that they were trying to get a click rate of 0.7% on Facebook (over 10 times high level of click Facebook advertising campaigns) for its first client, Serena Software, which seeks to change the display becomes 8.000 1.1 million visits to their sites. [77] Studies show that for video advertisements on Facebook, nearly 40% of users who viewed the video witnessed the whole, while the industry average is 25% for banner video ads. [78]
Facebook has more than 1,700 employees and offices in 12 countries. [79] Regarding the ownership of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg has a 24% stake in the company, Accel Partners 10%, Digital Sky Technologies 10%, [80] Dustin Moskovitz 6%, Eduardo Saverin 5% , Sean Parker 4%, Peter Thiel 3%, Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners between 1-2% each, Microsoft 1.3%, Li Ka-shing 0.75%, Interpublic Group of less than 0.5%, a small group of employees and former employees as well as celebrities each have less than 1%, including Matt Cohler, Jeff Rothschild, Adam D'Angelo, Chris Hughes, and Owen Van Natta, while Reid Hoffman and Mark Pincus have a rather large holdings in the company, and the remaining 30% owned by employees, a number of celebrities, and foreign investors. [81] Adam D'Angelo, chief technology and friend Zuckerberg, resigned in May 2008. Some reports claimed that he and Zuckerberg began quarreling, and he is no longer interested in the ownership of the company. [82]
On 15 November 2010, Facebook announced that it had acquired of the American Farm Bureau Association with a value that is not mentioned. On January 11, 2011, Farm Bureau announced the "realm of sales revenue" of $ 8.5 million, so that buying become one of the ten most expensive domain sales in history. [83]
[Edit] Website

Main article are: Features Facebook and Facebook Platform

Facebook home page displays login form in the upper right for registered users, and the registration form below for new visitors.
Users can create profiles with photos, lists of personal interests, contact information, and other personal information. Users can communicate with friends and other users through private or public messages and a chat feature. They can also create and join interest groups and "favorite pages" (formerly called "fan pages" until 19 April 2010), some of which are managed by many organizations for the purpose of advertising. [84]
To prevent complaints about privacy, Facebook allows users to set their privacy and choose who can see specific parts of their profile. [85] This web site is free to users and take advantage through advertising like banner ads. [86] Facebook requires user name and profile picture (if applicable) to be accessible by everyone. Users can control who can see the information they share, also found through a search by using the privacy settings. [87]

Facebook profile in 2011.
The media is often to compare Facebook to MySpace, but one major difference between the two sites is customize levels. [88] Another difference is the requirement of Facebook so that users can manage their real identities, and the measures are not implemented on MySpace. [89] MySpace allows users decorate their profiles using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), while Facebook only allows raw text. [90] Facebook has a number of features that can interact with the user. One is a wall, box in each user's profile page that allows friends to send messages to that user; [91] Flick, which allows users to send "pokes" virtual one another (notice telling the user that they have dicolek); [92] Photos, where users can upload albums and photos; [93] and Status, which allows users to inform their friends about their whereabouts and actions at the time. [94] Depending on privacy settings, anyone who can see a user's profile can also view the Wall users. In July 2007, Facebook began allowing users to send attachments on the Wall, is different from previous walls were limited to textual content only. [91]

Facebook graphical user interface on a mobile phone
Over time, Facebook added a feature to its site. On 6 September 2006, launched News Feed placed in each user's home page and profile information with such changes, the next event, and the user's friend's birthday. [95] This allows spammers and other users memainipulasi these features to make the event false or untrue anniversary to draw attention to a profile or campaign. [96] Initially, the News Feed raised dissatisfaction among Facebook users; several of them complained because it was too cluttered and full of unnecessary information, while others take it easy for the user to track the activities of a person (such as relationship status changes, events, and conversations with other users). [97]
In response, Zuckerberg sends apology for the failure of the site to include privacy features individually adjustable. Since then, users begin to get control over what types of information that can be shared automatically with friends. Now the user is able to prevent a group of friends to see updates its activities such as profile changes, Wall posts, and newly added friends. [98]
Dated February 23, 2010, Facebook granted a patent [99] on a series of aspects of its News Feed. This patent covers News Feed when the link is sent so that one user can participate in the same activities as other users. [100] The patent was pushing Facebook to take action against websites that violate its patent, such as Twitter. [101]
One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photos, where users can upload albums and photos. [102] Facebook allows users to upload an unlimited number of photos, compared to storage services such as Photobucket and Flickr images which limit the number of images you can upload one. In the first years, Facebook users are limited to 60 photos per album mengunggak. In May 2009, this limit was increased to 200 photos per album. [103] [104] [105] [106]
Privacy settings can be set for individual albums that restrict user group can see it. For example, the privacy of an album are arranged so that only the user's friends can see it, while the privacy of another album is set so that all Facebook users can see it. Another feature of the Photos application is the ability to "tag", or mark users in a photo. For example, if sebauh picture contains a user's friend, then the user can tag friends in photos. Such actions send a notification to the friend who tagged and give them a link to see the image. [107]

The profile of Facebook in 2005

Facebook Profile of 2007
Facebook Notes was introduced on August 22, 2006, a blog feature that allowed tags and image cultivation. Users can import blogs from Xanga, LiveJournal, Blogger, and other blogging services. [40] During the week of 7 April 2008, Facebook released a Comet-based instant messaging applications [108] called "Chat" to several profiles, [109] which allows users to communicate with friends and function the same as the desktop-based instant messenger.
Facebook launched Gifts on February 8, 2007 that allows users to send virtual gifts to friends who appeared on the recipient's profile. Each prize worth $ 1.00 and a personal message can be attached to each gift. [110] [111] On May 14, 2007, Facebook launched Marketplace, which lets users send short ads free. [112] Marketplace has been compared to that Craigslist by CNET, which indicates that the main difference between the two is a list that is sent in the Marketplace users can only be seen by users who are in the same network as the user, while the list posted on Craigslist can be seen by everyone. [113]
Dated July 20, 2008, Facebook launched "Facebook Beta", the redesign of the user interface on multiple networks. Mini-Feed and Wall combined, profile split into tabs, and they are trying to make it look more "simple". [114] After initially giving users a choice to switch, Facebook began to move all users to the new page version in September 2008. [115] dated December 11, 2008, it was announced that Facebook was testing the registration process easier. [116]
Dated June 13, 2009, Facebook introduced a feature "Usernames", the pages can be linked using a URL that is simpler as compared to ? id = 20,531,316,728. [117] Many new smartphones offer access to Facebook via their web browser or application. The official Facebook application launched for the iPhone OS, Android OS, and the WebOS. Nokia and Research In Motion provides Facebook application on their mobile phone. More than 150 million active users access Facebook through mobile phones registered with 200 operators in 60 countries.
On 15 November 2010, Facebook announced a service "Facebook Messages" new. At media day, CEO Mark Zuckeberg said, "it is true that one can obtain address, but it's not email." The launch has been anticipated features while before the announcement, with some observers calling it a "Gmail killer". This system, which will be launched to all users of the site, combines text messaging, instant messaging, email, and regular messages, and will include privacy settings as Facebook service. Dubbed "Project Titan", Facebook Messages takes 15 months in development. [118] [119]
[Edit] Reception

According to comScore, Facebook is the leading social networking site based on the number of monthly visitors and defeated his main rival, MySpace in April 2008. [120] ComScore reports that Facebook attract 130 million visitors in May 2010, an increase of 8.6 million people. [121] According to Alexa, Facebook ranking among all websites according to traffic world rose from 60 to 7 from September 2006 until September 2007, and is currently ranked 2nd in the world. [122] Quantcast [123] and [124 ] puts Facebook on a rank-2 according to traffic in the U.S.. This website is the most popular for uploading photos, with a total of 50 billion photo uploads. [125] In 2010, Sophos' Security Threat Report 2010 "a vote of 500 firms, 60% of whom say they believe Facebook is a social network who have the greatest security threat than MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn. [65]
Facebook is one of the most popular social networking site in several English-speaking countries, including Canada, [126] the United Kingdom, [127] and the United States. [128] [129] [130] [131] In regional Internet markets, penetration Facebook highest in North America (69%), followed by Middle East-Africa (67%), Latin America (58%), Europe (57%), and Asia-Pacific (17%). [132]
This site has won numerous awards such as the "Top 100 Classic Websites" by PC Magazine in 2007, [133] and the "People's Voice Award" from the Webby Awards in 2008. [134] In a 2006 study conducted Student Monitor, a market research company high perguruna student based in New Jersey, Facebook referred to as the second most popular thing among scholars, parallel to the beer and less popular than the iPod is ranked first. [135]
In March 2010, Judge Richard Seeborg issued an agreed settlement in the case of Lane v group. Facebook, Inc.., Lawsuits arising from the Facebook Beacon program.
In 2010, Facebook won the "Best Overall Startup or Product" of the Crunchie for the third time in a row [136], and is recognized as one of the "Silicon Valley Best Companies" by Lead411. [137] However, according to a survey in July 2010 by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, Facebook get a score of 64 out of 100 and placing it in the bottom of all private companies in customer satisfaction, alongside industries such as the IRS electronic file system, airlines and cable companies. Reasons Facebook got a low score that privacy concerns, frequent changes to the site interface, results are given News Feed, and spam. [138]
In December 2008, the Supreme Court of Australian Capital Territory issued a rule that Facebook is a valid protocol to serve court notices to defendants. This is the first in the world court of law which provides that a court summons sent through Facebook are legally binding. [139] In March 2008, High Court judge maid Bru Zealand, David Glendall allow legal file services Craig Axe by the company Axe Market Garden through Facebook . [140] of the Company (such as Virgin Atlantic Airways) also use Facebook in order to stay in touch with their employees and have fired employees for their submissions. [141]
In 2005, the use of Facebook has been so widespread that started facebooking verb used to describe the process of finding someone's profile or update your profile yourself. [142] In 2008, Collins English Dictionary declared "Facebook" as Word of the Year. [143] In December 2008 , New Oxford American Dictionary announced this year's word is the verb "unfriend" is defined as "Removing someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site like Facebook. example, 'I Decided to unfriend my roommate on Facebook after we had a fight. '"[144]
In April 2010, according to The New York Times, countries with the most Facebook users were the United States, the United Kingdom and Indonesia. [145] Indonesia has become the country with the second largest number of Facebook users in the world after the United States with 24 million users, or 10% of the total population of Indonesia. [146] In early 2010, OpenBook is established, a parody website (and privacy advocacy) [147] that enables text-based searches on Wall submissions available to "Everyone" on the Internet.
The author of The Wall Street Journal found in 2010 that Facebook apps transmit identifying information to "dozens of advertising and Internet tracking". These applications use HTTP referrer which exposes the identity of the user and his friends. Facebook said, "We have taken action to disable all applications that violate our rules". [148]
[Edit] Criticism

The main article for this section are: Criticism of Facebook
Facebook has faced many controversies. This site has been blocked in several countries including the People's Republic of China, [149] Vietnam, [150] Iran [151] Uzbekistan, [152] Pakistan [153] Syria, [154] and Bangladesh on different grounds. For example, because of anti-Islamic and religious discrimination content allowed by Facebook, the site is banned in many countries around the world. In addition, Facebook also banned in some offices to prevent employees wasting time. [155] Privacy Facebook users also questioned and user account security has been penetrated several times. Facebook managed to resolve a lawsuit regarding claims of source code and intellectual property. [156]
[Edit] Political Impact

Stage debate Facebook - Saint Anselm College in 2008.
The role of Facebook in the political process of the United States appeared in January 2008 just before the Introduction of New Hampshire, when Facebook with ABC and Saint Anselm College to allow users to work together to provide direct feedback about the debate between the Democratic Party and the Repbulik January 5. [157] [158] [159] Charles Gibson moderated the debate to be held at the Dana Center for the Humanities at Saint Anselm College. Facebook users took part in debate groups organized by specific topics, register to vote, and send the inquiry. [160]
Over 1,000,000 people installed the application 'U.S. politics' in Facebook in order to participate, and this application is to measure the user response to certain comments raised by the candidates debate. [161] This debate showed the community what has been experienced by today's teenagers : Facebook is the new way that is very popular and powerful to interact and voice opinions. Articles written in Michelle Sullivan illustrates how the "Facebook effect" has affected youth sound levels, supporting young political candidates, and general involvement of the adolescent population in the 2008 election. [162]
In February 2008, a Facebook group called "One Million Voices Against FARC" held a ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of people were protesting Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC (from the stands for a Spanish speaking). [163] In August 2010, one North Korea's official government website, Uriminzokkiri, joined Facebook. [164]
In 2010, a British public health director who led the staff to study syphilis, mempertautkan and blamed rising number of syphilis cases in British territory to Facebook. This research report has been criticized by Facebook as "ignoring the difference between correlation and causality." [165]
[Edit] In the media

Wikinews has news news involving Facebook:
Bloggers investigate social networking websites
News services and World Wide Web companies increase of Persian language services after Iranian presidential election
At the age of 102 years, Ivy Bean of Bradford, England joined Facebook at age 108 years, making it one of the oldest people registered on Facebook. As an inspiration to the residents of the nursing home where she lives, [166] he was immediately known and several fan pages were made in her honor. He met Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife, Sarah, in Downing Street early in 2010. [167] Some time after creating her Facebook page, Bean joined Twitter when he reaches the limit specified number of Facebook friends. He became the oldest person to use Twitter. At his death in July 2010, it has 4962 friends on Facebook and over 56,000 followers on Twitter. His death was widely reported in the media and she received tributes from several well-known media figures. [168]
"FriendFace", December 2008 episode of the British sitcom, The IT Crowd, parodied Facebook and social networking sites in general. [169]
American author Ben Mezrich published a book in July 2009 about Mark Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook, titled The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal. [170]
In response to the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day controversy and the banning of Facebook in Pakistan, the Islamic version of the Facebook site was created and named MillatFacebook. [171]
"You Have 0 Friends", an episode in April 2010 from the U.S. animated comedy series, South Park, parodied Facebook. [172]
The Social Network, a drama film directed by David Fincher about the founding of Facebook was released on October 1, 2010. [173] The film featured performer ensemble consisting of Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Garfield as Eduardo Saverin, Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker, and Armie Hammer as Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss. The film was written by Aaron Sorkin and adapted from Ben Mezrich's book in 2009, and distributed by Columbia Pictures. No staff members of Facebook, including Zuckerberg, were involved in this project. However, one of the co-founders of Facebook, Eduardo Saverin, is a resource for Mezrich book. Mark Zuckerberg said that The Social Network is inaccurate.

what is facebook?

Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004 that is owned and operated by Facebook, Inc.. In May 2012, Facebook has more than 900 million active users, more than half of them using mobile devices.Users must register before using this site. After that, the user can create a personal profile, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users can join a group of users with the same interests, sorted by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "Colleague" or "Close Friends". The service name is derived from the name of books given to students in the first academic year by some university administrations in the United States with the goal of helping students get to know one another. Facebook allows anyone at least 13 years old to be a registered user of this site. 
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.Membership website was originally limited to Harvard students only, then expanded to other colleges in the Boston, Ivy League, and Stanford University . This site is slowly opening up to students at other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to all persons at least 13 years. Even so, according to the Consumer Reports survey in May 2011, there were 7.5 million children under the age of 13 years who have Facebook accounts and 5 million under 10 years old, so it violates the site's terms of service.
In January 2009 study puts Facebook as a social networking service most widely used by number of monthly active users worldwide.  Entertainment Weekly put it on my list of "best" end of the decade with the comment, "How can we stalk our ex-lover , remember our co-workers birthday, teasing us and playing Scrabulous before Facebook was created? " Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly visitors in the U.S. in May 2011.  According to Social Media Today in April 2010, approximately 41.6% of the U.S. population has a Facebook account. Even so, the Facebook market growth started to fall in some areas with the loss of 7 million active users in the United States and Canada in May 2011.

what is google

A widget is a small module that offers users a drag-and-drop sidebar content placement and implementation of many plugins extended capabilities'. WordPress Widgets allow developers to add functionality to their sites. Small modules can be used to add functionality such as slideshows, Facebook-like boxes, sliders small news, and much more.
[Edit] Multi-user and multi-blogging
Prior to WordPress 3.0, WordPress supported one blog per installation, although multiple concurrent copies may be run from different directories if configured to use separate database tables. WordPress Multi-User (WordPress MU, or just WPMU) was a fork of WordPress created to allow multiple blogs to exist within one installation that can be given by a centralized management. WordPress MU makes it possible for those with a website to host their own blogging community, as well as control and moderate all the blogs from a single dashboard. WordPress MU adds eight new data tables for each blog.
WordPress WordPress MU joined as part of the 3.0 release. [12]
[Edit] Mobillllles
The original application available for WebOS, [13] Android, [14] iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad), [15] [16] Windows Phone 7, and BlackBerry [17] which provides access to some of the features in the WordPress Admin panel and work with and many blogs.
[Edit] Other features of note
WordPress also features integrated link management, a search engine-friendly, clean permalink structure, the ability to assign nested, multiple categories to articles, and support for tagging of posts and articles. Automatic filters are also included, providing standardized formatting and styling of text in articles (for example, converting regular quotes to smart quotes). WordPress also supports the Trackback and Pingback standards for displaying links to other sites they have linked to a post or article.
[Edit] History

b2/cafelog, better known simply as b2 or cafelog, is the precursor to WordPress. [18] b2/cafelog estimated [by whom?] Has worked on approximately 2,000 blogs in May 2003. It's written in PHP for use with MySQL by Michel Valdrighi, who is now a contributing developer to WordPress. Although WordPress is the official successor, another project, b2evolution, is also in active development.
WordPress first appeared in 2003 as a joint effort between Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little to create a fork of b2 [19] Tremoulet Christine Selleck, a friend of Mullenweg, WordPress proposed name .. [20]
In 2004 the term license for competing Movable Type package changed by Six Apart and many of the most influential users migrated to Wordpress [21]. [22] In October 2009 2009 Source content management system Open Market Share Report reached the conclusion that WordPress enjoys the greatest brand strength of any open-source content-management system. [23]
[Edit] Awards
In 2007 WordPress won the Open Source CMS Packt.
In 2009 WordPress won the Open Source CMS Awards Packt best.
In 2010 WordPress won the Hall of Fame in the category of Open Source CMS Awards 2010. [24]
In 2011 WordPress won the Open Source Web App of the Year Award at The Critters [25]. [26]
[Edit] Removal of sponsored themes
On July 10, 2007, after a discussion about ideas Wordpress forum [27] and a post by Mark Ghosh in his blog Weblog Tools Collection, [28] Matt Mullenweg announced that the official WordPress theme directory http://themes.wordpress. net will no longer host themes containing sponsored links [29]. [30] While this move has been criticized by designers and users of sponsored themes, [citation needed] was applauded by WordPress users who consider themes such as spam. [31] Directory WordPress theme officially stopped accepting new themes, including the non-sponsored links, not long after the announcement was made. Sponsored themes are still available elsewhere, as well as free themes with additional sponsored links added by third parties. [32] [33]
On July 18, 2008, a new theme directory opened in, organized along the same lines as the directory plug-in [34]. Each theme is uploaded to it will be checked first by an automated program and then by humans.
On December 12, 2008, more than 200 were removed from the directory theme WordPress themes because they do not meet the requirements of the GPL License. [35] Currently, the author mentions allowed in each theme but official policy does not allow for a sponsorship or link to sites distributing non-GPL compatible themes. Non-GPL compliant themes are now hosted on other themes directory

apa itu wordpress

WordPress adalah bebas dan open source blogging alat dan sistem manajemen konten (CMS) berbasis PHP dan MySQL. Ini memiliki banyak fitur termasuk plug-in arsitektur dan sistem template. Wordpress digunakan oleh lebih dari 16,7% dari "top 1 juta" Alexa Internet website dan hingga Agustus 2011 mengelola 22% dari semua situs web baru [5] WordPress saat ini sistem blogging yang paling populer digunakan di Internet. [6]. [7]
Ini pertama kali dirilis pada tanggal 27 Mei 2003, oleh pendiri Matt Mullenweg [1] dan Mike Sedikit [8] sebagai garpu dari b2/cafelog. Pada Desember 2011, versi 3.0 telah diunduh lebih dari 65 juta kali.

WordPress Template hirarki
WordPress memiliki sistem web template menggunakan prosesor template.
Pengguna WordPress dapat menginstal dan beralih di antara tema. Tema memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengubah tampilan dan fungsionalitas dari sebuah website WordPress atau instalasi tanpa mengubah isi informasi. Tema dapat diinstal dengan menggunakan WordPress "Dashboard" alat administrasi atau folder tema dapat di-upload melalui FTP. [10] Kode PHP dan HTML dalam tema juga dapat diedit untuk kustomisasi lebih maju.
Salah satu fitur yang sangat populer Wordpress kaya plugin arsitektur yang memungkinkan pengguna dan pengembang untuk memperluas kemampuannya luar fitur yang merupakan bagian dari instalasi dasar, WordPress memiliki database lebih dari 18.000 plugin [11] dengan tujuan mulai dari SEO untuk menambahkan widget .

Widget adalah modul kecil yang menawarkan pengguna drag-and-drop sidebar penempatan konten dan pelaksanaan kemampuan diperpanjang banyak plugin '. Widgets memungkinkan WordPress pengembang untuk menambahkan fungsionalitas ke situs mereka. Modul-modul kecil dapat digunakan untuk menambahkan fungsionalitas seperti slideshow, Facebook-seperti kotak, slider berita kecil, dan banyak lagi.
 multi-user dan multi-blogging
Sebelum WordPress 3.0, WordPress didukung satu blog per instalasi, meskipun salinan bersamaan beberapa dapat dijalankan dari direktori yang berbeda jika dikonfigurasi untuk menggunakan tabel database terpisah. WordPress Multi-User (WordPress MU, atau hanya WPMU) adalah sebuah garpu dari WordPress diciptakan untuk memungkinkan beberapa blog untuk tetap eksis dalam satu instalasi yang mampu diberikan oleh pengelola terpusat. WordPress MU memungkinkan bagi mereka dengan sebuah website untuk menjadi tuan rumah blogging mereka sendiri masyarakat, serta kontrol dan moderat semua blog dari dashboard tunggal. WordPress MU menambah delapan tabel data baru untuk blog masing-masing.
WordPress MU bergabung dengan Wordpress sebagai bagian dari rilis 3.0. [12]
Aplikasi asli yang ada untuk WebOS, [13] Android, [14] iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad), [15] [16] Windows Phone 7, dan BlackBerry [17] yang menyediakan akses ke beberapa fitur di WordPress Admin panel dan bekerja dengan dan banyak blog.
 Fitur lain dari catatan
Wordpress juga fitur manajemen link terintegrasi, sebuah mesin pencari yang ramah, bersih permalink struktur, kemampuan untuk menetapkan bersarang, beberapa kategori untuk artikel, dan dukungan untuk tag posting dan artikel. Filter otomatis juga termasuk, menyediakan format standar dan styling dari teks dalam artikel (misalnya, mengubah tanda kutip biasa untuk kutipan pintar). Wordpress juga mendukung standar Trackback dan Pingback untuk menampilkan link ke situs lain yang telah mereka terkait dengan sebuah posting atau artikel.
b2/cafelog, lebih dikenal hanya sebagai b2 atau cafelog, adalah pendahulu untuk WordPress. [18] b2/cafelog diperkirakan [oleh siapa?] telah bekerja pada sekitar 2.000 blog pada Mei 2003. Ini ditulis dalam PHP untuk digunakan dengan MySQL oleh Michel Valdrighi, yang sekarang menjadi pengembang berkontribusi terhadap WordPress. Meskipun WordPress adalah penerus resmi, proyek lain, b2evolution, juga dalam pengembangan aktif.
WordPress pertama kali muncul pada tahun 2003 sebagai upaya bersama antara Matt Mullenweg dan Mike Little untuk membuat garpu dari b2 [19] Christine Selleck Tremoulet, teman Mullenweg, mengusulkan nama WordPress.. [20]
Pada tahun 2004 istilah lisensi untuk paket Type bersaing Movable diubah oleh Six Apart dan banyak pengguna yang paling berpengaruh bermigrasi ke Wordpress [21]. [22] Pada bulan Oktober 2009 2009 Sumber sistem manajemen konten Buka Laporan Pasar Saham mencapai kesimpulan bahwa WordPress menikmati kekuatan merek terbesar dari setiap open-source konten-sistem manajemen. [23]
Pada tahun 2007 WordPress memenangkan Penghargaan Sumber Packt CMS Open.
Pada tahun 2009 WordPress memenangkan Sumber terbaik Packt Awards Terbuka CMS.
Pada tahun 2010 WordPress memenangkan Hall of Fame pada kategori CMS Awards 2010 Open Source. [24]
Pada tahun 2011 WordPress memenangkan Web App Open Source of the Year Award di The Critters [25]. [26]
 Penghapusan tema disponsori
Pada tanggal 10 Juli 2007, setelah diskusi tentang ide-ide Wordpress forum [27] dan posting oleh Mark Ghosh dalam bukunya Koleksi blog Weblog Tools, [28] Matt Mullenweg mengumumkan bahwa WordPress resmi tema direktori di http://themes.wordpress . bersih akan tema tuan rumah tidak lagi mengandung link sponsor [29]. [30] Meskipun langkah ini dikritik oleh desainer dan pengguna tema disponsori, [rujukan?] itu bertepuk tangan oleh pengguna WordPress yang menganggap tema tersebut sebagai spam. [31 ] Direktori WordPress tema resmi berhenti menerima tema-tema baru, termasuk yang tanpa link sponsor, tak lama setelah pengumuman itu dibuat. Tema disponsori masih tersedia di tempat lain, serta tema gratis dengan link sponsor tambahan yang ditambahkan oleh pihak ketiga. [32] [33]
Pada tanggal 18 Juli 2008, sebuah direktori tema baru dibuka di, ditata sepanjang baris yang sama sebagai direktori plug-in [34]. Setiap tema yang diupload untuk itu akan diperiksa , pertama oleh program otomatis dan kemudian oleh manusia.
Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2008, lebih dari 200 tema yang dihapus dari direktori tema WordPress karena mereka tidak memenuhi persyaratan GPL License [35]. Saat ini, penulis menyebutkan diizinkan dalam setiap tema tetapi kebijakan resmi tidak memungkinkan untuk sponsorship atau link ke situs mendistribusikan non-GPL tema yang kompatibel. Non-GPL tema compliant sekarang host di direktori tema lainnya.

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