History and Development Laptops - Laptop is a portable personal computer or mduah carry anywhere. Name the laptop itself is taken from the way people use personal computers. Previously, the personal computer is often used on the lap, then later named Lap Top = Top Lap. Laptops start a serious discussion among the producers and the design of the PC in the early 1070s, personal computers are portable type appointed to perumukaan. A "personnel, portable information manipulator" was imagined by Alan Key at Xerox PARC in 1985, and described in 1972 in his paper the "Dynabook". IMB project Scamp (not scam internet fraudsters know) the Special Computer APL Machine Portable was demonstrated in 1973. The prototype is based on the PALM processor (Put All Logic In Microcode). IBM 5100, the first portable computer available commercially, appeared in September 1975, and is based on a prototype Scamp. Portbale computer has 8 bit CPU machine is then widely accepted and the number is menintkat. Osborne 1, released in 1981, used the Zilog Z80 and weighed 10.7 kg (wow really heavy relic laptop yeah) and even then not including batteries. CRT screens only 5 Inch or 13 cm, and using 5.26-inch single-density floppy drives. In the same year the first laptop-sized portable, the Epson HX-20, was announced. Epson had a LCD screen, a rechargeable battery, and a calculator printer measures 1.6 kg. The first laptops using the flip form factor appeared in the early 1980's. Dulmont Magnum was released in Australia in 1981 - 1982 but marketed globally until the year 1984 to 1985. Some of them are used CPU Inter i386SL 1990, is designed to use minimum power to increase battery life dataya portable computers, and dynamic power management supported by like-Intel SpeedStep and AMD PowerNow in some designs. Perkmebngan computer technology has brought many changes to the portable computer or laptop. The design is more slender, lighter weight and power savings becomes an important part in the development of the next laptop. Laptops are as we see today has a sangt Desai thin, very light weight, large display screen and the ability to super-sophisticated Kiner plus disk capacity to store more data. So then use the laptop becomes a new trend amid PC users. Various variants and brands emerged as the choice of the portable computer users. When it appeared the name netbook. The term is sometimes confusing when juxtaposed with the term notebook. Netbook is actually a variant of the notebook or laptop that is devoted to the PC users who have high mobility. With the netbook they can use office applications and connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere without having to carry a heavier laptop.
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